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IMPORTANT NOTICE *please read*

Hi girls,

I was about to delete my spam emails today, and horrified to discover that: A LOT A LOT of orders were filtered by Gmail to the spam folder. OH MY GOD!!! No wonder ppl keep asking me why I didn't reply their emails. At first I thought it was really my carelessness. Then I realized I couldn't find their emails at all.

And usually I just deleted my spam mails without double-checking. I dun know how many orders I have deleted!! Oh gosh!

My apology to those that I didn't reply their orders/enquiries at all. So so so sorry guys :(

Ok, with this in mind. I'll check my spam folder regularly. However, it was flooded with advertisments and nonsense mails most of the times.

So in order to ensure that your mails are not accidentally neglected, if you haven't heard from me for more than 2 days, please drop me a message at The Spectrum's Gossip (the enquiries box on the right column).

Spectrum Shop's owner
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Simple drop us an email at with the product names, quantities, your preferred shipping mode and mailing address. For more details, please refer to our guideline

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